• 01624 613131

At MannVend we want to make your online shopping experience as pleasant and simple as possible and we understand that you may have a few questions for us. You can contact us by Phone, Fax, email or fill in the contact form below.

If you require any assistance with please email enquiries@mannvend.co.im  and we will endeavour to help you as best we can.

We will never share your personal information with third parties. Your information is only used for the purpose of this communication.

Get In Touch

Trading Address & Registered Office:

MannVend Limited

Ailsa House
Spring Valley Industrial Estate
Isle of Man
British Isles

Company Registered in the Isle of Man No: 066414C
VAT Reg No: 001 1640 50


Tel: 01624 613131

Fax: 01624 627933



MannVend Ltd
Ailsa House Spring Valley Industrial Estate, Douglas IM2 2QU, Isle of Man
Tel: 01624 613131

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